Our goals


    To provide the means to be able to do things in the community      and support local people & projects.  To lobby local government  for change


Our community and the way it looks is important for our wellbeing and our local wildlife.  Through funding we can arrange litter-picking events to spruce up our neighbourhood to planting more trees.  We need volunteers for the common good; from gardening to lobbying for air, light and noise pollution  reductions.  Volunteering is a great way to promote community


A known issue in the village is speeding and "rat-running".  We work hard to keep this monitored to be able to lobby County to install measures to calm this issue down.  We want to protect our environment, plant more trees, protect and work with local government


Community connection and well-being is an important part of life, from organising social connections or connecting online, we can support local initiatives.  We also support other charities

A place to be able to connect to the community

Volunteering is a skill we all have in a grasp, to give something back to our commiunity
Connect now

Interested in donating?

Charities rely on local generosity to be able to fund and inititate projects.  Can you spare some lose change for your community?
Donate here
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